Selasa, 22 November 2011

Me When i am a little lol :D

Me ;)


Meh Again~

Ciluk~~~ BAAAA!!-_- apaan sih gue ini ~.~


Justin Biebah! :D

Only Mine ;)

ini gue memalukan banget-_-

Indonesia Vs Malaysia

kemaren, tapatnya tanggal 21 November 2011 gue seneng banget menantikan pertandingan Indonesia lawan Malaysia dalam ajang SeaGames yang ke 26. pas pertama tama main sih Indonesia udah sip banget mainnya dan dalam menit ke 5 Indonesia berhasil membobol gawang Malaysia berkat sundulan gunawan :* tapi pas menit ke 33 semua jadi kacau pas pemain Malaysia memboboli gawang Indonesia-_- langsung drop deh gue, gak kerasa waktu udah nunjukin menit ke 45 dan pertandingan diistirahatkan~ pas mulai lagi tetep aja kedudukan Indonesia sama Malaysia tetep seri sampai akhir permainan, wasit pun memutuskan untuk adu pinalti dan alhasil Indonesia beda tipis dengan Malaysia yaitu skor menjadi 5-4 warga Indonesia sedih banget apalagi pas dilihat remkaman ulang penonton Indonesia yang ada di GBK ngeluarin air mata dan kekecewaan pun terlihat jelas di wajah para pemain Indonesia dan tim. tapi ya mau gimana lagi dewi fortuna lagi gk dipihak Indonesia, kita semua terpaksa merelakan kalo Malaysia menang LAGI-_- tapi permainan timnas u-23 Indonesia patut diacungi jempol kok ;) gue salut banget sama tibo, patrich, okto, egi, yang lain dan diego pastinya ._. semoga indonesia di ajang sepak bola selanjutnya bisa lebih baik dari sekarang, IndonesiaBisa.
walaupun Indonesia kalah atau apapun dan sebagainya, gua tetep bangga kok jadi orang Indonesia ;;)
Don't Hate This Post Malaysia, Indonesia don't Hate Malaysia before thxx

Membuat Sidebar Twitter Jadi Transparan

hello guys disini gue mau nunjukin gimana sih caranya bikin sidebar twitter kayak gini:

caranya simple kok
1) lo log in dulu ke akun twitter lo atau langsung klik ini -
  2) klo lo udah log in terus copy deh yang di bawah ini 


3) setelah udah lo copy, kembali ke twitter settings lo dan blok kayak dibawah ini :

4) klo udah selesai lo blok lo paste deh kayak di bawah ini :

5) selesai di paste kemudian lo klik enter deh
6) udah selesai diklik enter emang keadaan gk berubah sebelum lo klik save change kayak di bawah ini :
AND FINALLY!!! sidebar twitter lo bisa transparan, tapi gua saranin lo semua pake BROWSER MOZILA FIREFOX, GOOGLE CHROME klo masih gak bisa lo coba pake INTERNET EXPLORER, kalo masih belum bisa juga berarti itu emang nasib elo elo pada-_-
klo emang masih pertama masih belum bisa bekerja dengan baik, coba elo ulang lagi, tapi klo masih tetep gabisa berarti emang nasib syududu~
sekian deh ya, klo lo mau nanya2 dikit tentang masalah ini ke gua, lo bisa nanya ke gue lewat mention twitter gue di @NadiaSaphiraR. thanks before!

Senin, 21 November 2011


curahan hati ~.~

gua perlahan lahan mulai ngelupain lo, mungkin lo gk peduli atau apa.
gua gk berharap banyak lo minta maaf sama gua, dan gua gk berharap lo maafin gua. gua tau gua salah gua bodoh, gua gegabah mengambil keputusan.
tapi asal lo tau gua berbuat seperti ini karena gua cuman pengen ngeliat lo berubah, lo panggil kek nama gua.
seenggaknya pas lo manggil nama gua gk kiamat kan dunia ini?-_-
gua cuma menyayangkan kenapa perpecahan ini terjadi, ini memang mau hati gua. tapi gua sadar ini salah~
gua cuma berpesen aja sama temen-temen gua jangan pernah sia-siain temen deket kita, klo kita kehilangan dia itu sakit banget, jangan sekali-kali kalian lakukan hal terbodoh yang gua lakuin selama ini.
gua terharu bikin entri ini, pengen nangis.
tapi gk ada guna, semua gk ada yang bisa ngerti.
gua pengen teriak sekenceng-kenceng nya yang gua mampu, tapi buat apa. bikin suara gua habis aja-_-
lo sebenernya gk sadar, perpecahan ini hancur karena orang terdeket lo sekarang.
cuma ngingetin aja kok haha

nothing is bored-_-

sekarang gua lagi suka banget sama lagunya sammy simorangkir yang sedang apa dan dimana~
gua rasa nyaman banget sama lagu ini, apa emang karena lirik lagu itu ngena banget sama keadaan gua skrg yang sedang ditinggal seorang teman-_-
gua bingung sekarang kok banyak masalah ya diantara temen2 gue, dan temen sekitar, gua rasa gk nyaman deket mereka, gua selalu menyiapkan senjata disaat mereka ngomong ke gua, mungkin gua lebay, tp emng ini yang lagi gua rasa.
mereka selalu bilang gua egois dan gua keras, gua akuin itu sih-__-
gua pengen yang gua rasain dulu itu kerasa dikelas 9 ini, mungkin semua gk seperfect dulu.
tapi gua pengen semuanya akur kayak dulu.
eh kok malah curhat? tapi nyambung aja deh gapapa kali yah-_-
gua tau sekarang banyak banget penghalang disekitar kita tapi kita harus kuat ngelawan semua yang ada didepan mata kita.
gk seharusnya kita kayak gini, dan yang lebih penting gua ngerasa semakin kita deket, semakin mudah kita di terkam sama masalah berat, makanya gua ngehindar melupakan semuanya supaya gk ada masalah masalah lagi yang terjadi lagi antara kita, mungkin gua gk sehebat orang lain ataupun sehebat nabi yang mudah memaafkan dan mudah meminta maaf, gua susah banget ngomong maaf please jangan paksa gua untuk ngomong MAAF, karena itu hal yang menyakitkan yang pernah ada buat guaaaaaaaaa. sekian ntar gue lanjut-_-

Kamis, 10 November 2011

Tanda Tangan Miley ^^

Lahir Selena Marie Gomez
22 Juli 1992 (umur 19)
Grand Prairie, Texas
Amerika Serikat
Pekerjaan Aktris
Penulis lagu
Tahun aktif 2002


Biodata Demi Lovato

Nama lahir Demetria Devonne Lovato
Lahir 20 Agustus 1992 (umur 19)
Dallas, Texas, AS
Genre Pop, Rock
Pekerjaan Aktris, Penyanyi, Penulis lagu, Penari, Model
Instrumen Vokal, Gitar, Piano
Tahun aktif 2002-sekarang
Label Hollywood
Artis terkait Jonas Brothers, Selena Gomez, Miley Cyrus, We The Kings
Situs web

Biodata Miley Cyrus

Nama lahir Destiny Hope Cyrus
Lahir Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.
Genre Pop, Rock, Country, Synthpop, Electropop
Pekerjaan Penyanyi
Penulis lagu
Instrumen Vokal
Tahun aktif 2003–sekarang
Label Hollywood, Fascination (UK), Avex
Artis terkait Billy Ray Cyrus
Situs web

Biodata Taylor Swift

Nama asli : Taylor Alison Swift
Tgl Lahir : 13 Desember 1989
Lahir di : Wyomissing, Pennsylvania, USA
Zodiac : Sagittarius
Terkenal sejak Single “Tim McGraw” (2006)

Biodata Avril Lavigne

Nama Lengkap: Avril Ramona Lavigne Whibley
Nama Populer: Avril Ramona Lavigne
Tempat T. Lahir Belleville, Ontario, Kanada, 27 September 1984
Pekerjaan: Penyanyi, penulis lagu, aktris, Model
Zodiak: Libra
Tinggi Badan: 160 cm
Warna Rambut: Coklat
Warna Mata: Biru

Biodata Bruno Mars

Nama Lengkap: Peter Gene Hernandez
Nama Panggilan: Bruno Mars
Lahir: 8 Oktober 1985
Tempat Lahir: Honolulu, Hawaii
Pekerjaan: Penyanyi, Penulis Lagu, Produser Rekaman
Aliran Musik: Pop,Alternative Hip-Hop, Soul, R&B
Instrument: Vokal, Drum, Gitar, Keyboard, Bass
Tahun Aktif: 2007-sekarang
Label: Atlantic Records, Elektra Records
Situs Web:

Biodata Christian Beadles

Christian Beadles lahir pada 22 November 1996 dan tinggal di Atlanta, Georgia.
Dia adalah seorang siswa di Akademi Whitefield dan memiliki satu saudara, kakak Caitlin Beadles.
Dia adalah teman dengan Justin Bieber, dan hobinya meliputi; sepak bola, sepak bola, basket, skateboard, tenis, melompat dirtbikes, balap motor, menulis lagu, bermain ski, hoki es, tergantung dengan teman-temannya, menjadi gila.

Biodata Greyson Chance

Nama lahir Greyson Michael Chance
Lahir 16 Agustus 1997(umur 14)
Wichita Falls, Texas, U.S
Asal Edmond, Oklahoma, Amerika
Aliran Musik Pop Rock
Instrumen Piano, Vokal
Tahun aktif 2010–sekarang
Label Eleveneleven, Maverick, Geffen
Situs web

Biodata Cody Simpson

Nama Lahir Cody Robert Simpson
Lahir 11 January 1997 (age 14)
Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
Kota Asal Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
Aliran Musik Pop, R&B
Pekerjaan Singer, songwriter, musician and dancer
Bakat Vocals, guitar and piano
Tahun Aktif 2009–present
Labels Warner Bros/Atlantic (2010–present)

Biodata Justin Bieber

Nama Lahir: Justin Drew Bieber 
Nama Panggilan: Justin, Bieber, The Biebs, JBiebz, JB 
Tanggal Lahir: 1 Maret 1994, Kanada
Ibu: Pattie Mallette 
Ayah: Jeremy Bieber
Pekerjaan: Penyanyi 
Label: Island, RBMG
Manager: Scooter Braun
Justin Bieber adalah seorang penyanyi pop-R & B Kanada. Ia lahir pada tanggal 1 Maret 1994 di London, Ontario dan dibesarkan di Stratford, Ontario, Kanada.
Ibu Justin Bieber, Pattie Mallette, sewaktu berumur 18 tahun ketika ia menjadi hamil. Mallette, yang bekerja serangkaian membayar rendah pekerjaan kantor, mengangkat Justin Bieber sebagai ibu tunggal di perumahan. Namun, Justin Bieber mempertahankan kontak dengan ayahnya, Jeremy Bieber, yang menikah dengan wanita lain dan punya dua anak.
Ayah Justin Bieber kakek buyut adalah imigran dari Jerman ke Kanada.
Selama masa kecilnya, Justin Bieber tertarik pada hoki, sepak bola, dan catur, ia sering disimpan aspirasi musik untuk dirinya sendiri. Saat ia tumbuh, Bieber belajar sendiri untuk bermain piano, drum, gitar, dan terompet.
Pada awal 2007, ketika ia berumur 12, Justin Bieber menyanyikan Ne-Yo itu "So Sick" untuk sebuah kompetisi menyanyi lokal di Stratford dan ditempatkan kedua. Mallette diposting video dari kinerja di YouTube untuk keluarga mereka dan teman-teman untuk melihat. Dia terus meng-upload video dari bernyanyi Bieber mencakup berbagai lagu R & B, dan popularitas Justin Bieber di Youtube tumbuh.
Pada tahun 2008, Justin Bieber ditemukan oleh Scooter Braun, yang kebetulan datang di video Bieber di YouTube dan kemudian menjadi manajernya. Braun diatur baginya untuk bertemu dengan Usher di Atlanta, Georgia, dan Bieber segera ditandatangani untuk Raymond Braun Media Group (RBMG), perusahaan patungan antara Braun dan Usher, dan kemudian ke kontrak rekaman dengan Island Records yang ditawarkan oleh LA Reid.
Debut tunggal, "One Time", dirilis di seluruh dunia pada tahun 2009, memetakan dalam 30 teratas dalam lebih dari sepuluh negara. Debut rilis nya, My World, diikuti pada tanggal 17 November 2009, dan akhirnya bersertifikat platinum di Amerika Serikat. Justin Bieber menjadi artis pertama yang memiliki tujuh lagu dari album debut chart di Billboard Hot 100.
Nya "My World 2.0" dirilis pada tanggal 23 Maret 2010 dan telah sejak menerima keberhasilan serupa; debuted di nomor satu dan dalam sepuluh besar beberapa negara dan platinum di Amerika Serikat.

Lirik Lagu Justin Bieber - This Dream Is Too Good

Let's go...

Fast Cars
Downtown Movie Stars
Camera lights
Taking pictures every night  

And in the malls
Shop and sprees close up all
can't u see
that this is what I wanna be
be.. be.. be.. be.. be.. be.. be..

It's all a dream 
I'm a sleep I think
In this bed dreaming
please don't wake me
cause this dream's too good
cause this dream's too good
cause this dream's too good
This dream's too good

Fasten nights
insight of the boxing fights
Every night 
I'm always on another flight yeah.. yeah..
Main stage
always on front page yeah.. yeah..
Can't u see
that this is what I wanna be
be.. be.. be.. be.. be.. be.. be.. be..

It's all a dream
(It's all a dream)
I'm a sleep I think
In this bed dreaming
please don't wake me
cause this dream's too good
cause this dream's too good
cause this dream's too good
This dream's too good

Dance to the left step to the right,
Dance if you dance if you dreaming of a higher life
Dance to the left step to the right,
Dance if you dance if you dreaming of a higher life
Dance to the left step to the right,
Dance if you dance if you dreaming of a higher life
Dance to the left step to the right,
ha ha ha check it out

it's all a dream
(it's all a dream)
I'm asleep I think
in this bed dreaming
please don't wake me
cause this dream's too good
cause this dream's too good
cause this dream's too good
This dream's too good

It's all a dream
(It's all a dream)
I'm asleep I think
In this bad dreaming
please don't wake me
cause this dream's too good
cause this dream's too good
cause this dream's too good
This dream's too good

Is there a best friend in this world?

I'm still asking questions until now, whether in this world there is your best friend? until now I have not found a best friend, they always hurt me without them knowing it, what am I wrong? or is this all just mere memories? god if indeed at some time you gave your best friend for me, please .. give the best for me that mengertiku, who cared about me, what did I do not deserve to get it? I envied my friends who already can be best friends god, I'm jealous, maybe all of it your way but I beg you, before I die I can eventually find a best friend, god? I'm sad, I'm sick, I was injured, why why why? tears on my face, not one person who wishes to cure, god please grant me my prayer. :'(

Lirik Lagu Justin Bieber - Digital

I’m going digital
I’m going digital
Come and watch me now
Just watch me
It’s time to watch me now
Just watch me
I’m going digital
I’m about to get it started
3 2 1 let me blast off it’s
Time for my limelight exposure
Pull up to your screen
Front seat if you wanna
I’m a post a youtube flick every week so
You can tell me why i will rise to the beat yeah
Call me the internet champ
I’m a spin my web and catch these…
Watch me watch me watch me go
Blast it off i’m a count it down like
6 5 4 3 2 1
I know you wanna see the way i rock
Rock ohh
I really wanna see them hands pop
Up ohh
I’m a post it
You can watch it
Gimme feedback
Then we can act it
Hit me up and get connected
Hit me up and get connected
Follow me,
Twitter my style

Lirik Lagu Justin Bieber - Heartache

But yesterday we were..
I don’t understand
We started out it was perfect
Nothing but fun
And my heart was convinced to say
that you’re the one
And I thought it would last
for the rest of our lives
Boy was I in for a big surprise
With no doubt looking round
thinking that I’m so cool.
Same place same time every day of my life
could we meet after school
Finally if I didn’t make her cry
She wouldn’t be with another guy
Nothing can cure my
headache cause I’m experiencing
what they call heartbreak
it’s going to hurt worse
as long as I stay here
I know but man just let me lay here
Cause this is something that I can’t shake
I must be experiencing what they call heartbreak
they say it’s only just as worse as you make it
I know but man just let me lay here
Now I’m all tore up taking back when I was at your door
The first time when you said forever I’ll be yours
Started walking your hand in my hand feelings got stronger
We made a promise
And whenever I leave it feels like your still with me
But it all came crashing down
Sitting in my room I gotta get out of here
what am I to do when I look up and your not there
Nothing can cure my headache
Cause I’m experiencing what they call heartbreak
It’s going to hurt worse as long as I stay here (as long as I stay here)
I know but man just let me lay here
Cause this is something I can’t shake
I must be experiencing what they call heartbreak
They say it’s only just as worse as you make it
I know but man just let me lay here
Say I’m too young for love
I got so much life to live ahead
but, if only this is love I could get over
I know I have to deal with the pain
(Nothing can, cure my headache)
Nothing can Cure my headache
Cause I’m experiencing what they call heartbreak
It’s going to hurt worse as long as I stay here(as long as I stay here)
I know but man just let me lay here
Cause this is something that I can’t shake (can’t shake)
I must be experiencing what they call heartbreak
they say it’s only just as worse as you make it (make it yeah)
I know but man just let me lay here (just let me lay here)

Lirik Lagu Justin Bieber - How To Love

See you had a lotta crooks trying to steal your heart
Never really had luck
Couldn’t never figure out
how to love, how to love
You had a lot of moments that didn’t last forever
And now you’re in the corner tryin’ to put it all together
How to love, how to love
For a second you were here
Now you over there
It’s hard not to stare, the way you moving your body
Like you never had a love
Had a love
When you was just a young and your looks were so precious
But now you’re grown up
So fly it’s like a blessing but you can’t have a man look at you for five seconds
Without you being insecure
You never credit yourself, so when you got older
It’s seems like you came back ten times over
And you’re sitting here in this damn corner
Looking through all your thoughts and looking over your shoulder
See you had a lot of crooks try to steal your heart
Never really had luck, couldn’t ever figure out
How to love
How to love
I just wanna take my time
I just wanna do my thing
Maybe we press rewind
Maybe I buy that ring
We could grow old together
Just share our soul together
Find out how to love, kiss and hug
How to roll together
I just need you by my side
Baby we could be alright
I just want to hold you right
We could go into the night
Oh you’re the one I need
See you had a lot of crooks try to steal your heart
Never really had luck, couldn’t ever figure out
How to love
How to love
See you had a lot of moments that didn’t last forever
Now you’re in this corner trying to put it together
How to love
How to love
For a second you were here
Why you over there?
It’s hard not to stare the way you moving your body
Like you never had a love
Had a love
You had a lot of dreams that transformed to visions
The fact that you saw the world affected all your decisions
But it wasn’t your fault
Wasn’t in your intentions
To be the one here talking to me
Be the one listenin’
But I admire your popping bottles and dippin’
Just as much as you admire bartending and stripping
Baby, so don’t be mad
Nobody else tripping
You see a lot of crooks and them crooks still crooked
See You had a lot of crooks try to steal your heart
Never really had luck, couldn’t ever figure out
How to love
How to love
See you had a lot of moments that didn’t last forever
Now you in the corner trying put it together
How to love
How to love
For a second you were here
Now you over there
It’s hard not to stare, the way you moving your body
Like you never had a love
Had a love
I just want you to know……

Lirik Lagu Justin Bieber - Latin Girl


She's My Latin Girl
She's My Latin Girl

I was on the beach, Yeah
I was on vacation
I was doing nothing
I was just sitting patient

Then you walked by
You caught my eye
I said who's this girl?
She's looking super fly

Hey miss beautiful
I've never seen you before
And I would like to be the one show you
I am cool at all

Hey little mama
What you got on ya?
Looking so good
And I just wan't cha telephone ya

She's my latin girl
Pretty lady don't you think it's crazy
She's my latin girl
She's try to fight it
But she knows she likes it
She's my latin girl
So wanna see..
Then she's looking at me
She's my latin girl

Hey miss beautiful
I've never seen you before
And I would like to be the one show you
I am cool at all

Hey little mama
What you got on ya?
Looking so good
And I just wan't cha telephone ya

She's my latin girl
Pretty lady don't you think it's crazy
She's my latin girl
She's try to fight it
But she knows she likes it
She's my latin girl
So wanna see..
Then she's looking at me
She's my latin girl

She's my latin girl
Pretty lady don't you think it's crazy
She's my latin girl
She's try to fight it
But she knows she likes it
She's my latin girl
So wanna see..
Then she's looking at me
She's my latin girl

Lirik Lagu Justin Bieber - Swag So Mean

S-swag’s so mean
S-s-swag’s so mean
Swag’s mean, Ah-Swag’s mean
Yeah, she want me cause my
(Swag’s so mean)
I know I want her, cause her
(Swag’s so mean)
You know you got it when your
(Swag’s so mean)
Swag’s mean, Ah-swag’s mean
Yeah, she want me cause my
(Swag’s so mean)
I know I want her cause her
(Swag’s so mean)
You know you got it when your
(Swag’s so mean)
Swag’s mean, Ah-Swag’s mean
Yeah, she want me cause my
(Swag’s so mean)
I know I want her cause her
(Swag’s so mean)
You know you got it when your
(Swag’s so mean)
Swag’s mean, Ah-Swag’s mean
Yeah, she want me cause my
(Swag’s so mean)
I know I want her cause her
(Swag’s so mean)
You know you got it when your
(Swag’s so mean)
Swag’s mean, Ah-Swag’s mean
Yeah, she want me cause my
(Swag’s so mean)
I know I want her cause her
(Swag’s so mean)
You know you got it when your
(Swag’s so mean)
Swag’s mean, Ah-Swag’s mean
Yeah, she want me cause my
(Swag’s so mean)
I know I want her cause her
(Swag’s so mean)
You know you got it when your
(Swag’s so mean)
Swag’s mean, Ah-Swag’s mean
Yeah, she want me cause my
(Swag’s so mean)
I know I want her cause her
(Swag’s so mean)
You know you got it when your
(Swag’s so mean)
Swag’s mean, Ah-Swag’s mean
Yeah, she want me cause my
(Swag’s so mean)
I know I want her cause her
(Swag’s so mean)
You know you got it when your
(Swag’s so mean)
Swag’s mean, Ah-Swag’s mean

Lirik Lagu Justin Bieber - Mama's Boy

Walkin on red dirt no concrete pavement
Navy blue book bag on my back
Couple miles ’til I’m at the grey hound station
Hope they let me ride away with them
Got pretty mad at my father today
But I’m still thinkin bout what my mother would say
As I’m singin an old song she used to sing
When things weren’t going the way she wanted them to
I wanna run away
I do
I wanna run away
I do
I wanna run away
I do
I wanna run away from you
I wanna leave this school
I do
I wanna leave this town
I do
But she’ll be worried sick if
I do (if I do)
Can’t run away and leave my mama alone
Cause I’m her boy Mama’s boy
Just don’t run off and leave my mama at home
Cause I’m her boy mama’s boys
Just don’t run away, run away
Can’t run away and leave my mama alone
Cause I’m her boy Mama’s boy
Just don’t
So I turn around and headed to the old run down building
Bells gonna ring before I make it back
I watch the upper class men drive right past me
Wish they’d let me ride away with them
Still haven’t got over it yet
It’s been playin in my ears all mornin I swear
My iPods the same tune my mother would sing
When things weren’t goin the way she wanted them to
I wanna run away
I do
I wanna run away
I do
I wanna run away
I do
I wanna run away from you
I wanna leave this school
I do
I wanna leave this town
I do
But she’ll be worried sick if
I do (if I do)
Can’t run away and leave my mama alone
Cause I’m her boy Mama’s boy
Just don’t run off and leave my mama at home
Cause I’m her boy mama’s boys
Just don’t run away, run away
Can’t run away and leave my mama alone
Cause I’m her boy Mama’s boy
Just don’t
Never get mad enough to walk out
If I do then I won’t be gone for long
Never fed up enough to leave her
No matter what I’ll love her just the same
That’s my mama
So no matter what I leave unless he’s coming soon
Can’t run away and leave my mama alone
Cause I’m her boy Mama’s boy
Just don’t run off and leave my mama at home
Cause I’m her boy mama’s boys
Just don’t run away
Run away, yeah
Can’t run away and leave my mama alone
Cause I’m her boy Mama’s boy
Just don’t

Lirik Lagu Justin Bieber - Where Are You Now

ohhh woah...
Where are you now
When I need you the most
Why don't you take my hand
I want to be close
Help me when i am down
Lift me up off the ground
Teach me right from wrong
Help me to stay strong

Take my hand and walk with me
Show me what to be
I need you to set me free
Where are you now

Where are you now
Now that im half grown
Why are we far apart
I feel so alone
Where are you now
When nothing is going right
Where are you now
I can't see the light

So take my hand and walk with me
Show me what to be

I need you to set me free, yeah, yeah
I need you, to need me
Cant you see me
How could you leave me
My heart is
Half empy
Im not whole
When your not with me
I want you
You with me
To guide me, hold me, love me now

Where are you now
Where are you now

So take my hand and walk with me
Show me what to be
I need you to set me free, yeah, yeah

Where are you now
Yeah, yeah...
Ohh, ohh...

Lirik Lagu Justin Bieber - Ladies Love Me

David Banner…David Banner
Ladies love me
I’m on my Cool J
[Chris Brown]
My bad, I’m sorry
I’m double parked
Yah that’s my Bugatti
And that’s my Ferrari next to my Ducati
Call my old school Big Bertha that I be got it
Boy I get exotic
My car need a pilot
Get free drinks to party
Your nigga need his wallet
No limit to what I’m spending so you know she’s about bout it
And who in the hell is smoking in here cuz it’s super cloudy
Goons with me dressed like skaters
Getting bruised kidneys
Stretch you later
Man my house so big
To the escalator to the elevator
Take the elevator to the private jet
Then that jet niggas see you later
Ladies love me
I’m on my Cool J
Yellow model chick
Yellow bottle sippin’
Ladies love me
I’m on my Cool J
Yellow Lamborghini
Yellow top missin’
[Justin Bieber]
Baby i’m yo docta,
I could be yo rocker,
Swaggin’ i’m not braggin’
But I swear that I could rock ya’
Baby i’m not crazy,
I got swag like Patrick Schwayze
Y’know them haters never phase me
That’s not how my momma raised me
I am incredible, this is inedible
Killin this track was inevitable
I am hetero, baby you better know Jb is generally just JB look at me
No, I said look at me, swaggin with the crooked teeth
Body slammed the beats from D Beat, call me
Call me bookin t.
I said woah der, woah der baby you just need to stop. (okay)
I’m busy out performing and i’m going to the top.
I got so much to lose, so i’m steady gettin gwap.
But them haters go down and we just get to watch.
Amazing, i’m blazing. look over here, said that i’m amazing.
Nobody’s facing, what i’m facing. set a pace, so I can race without pacing.
Lace my shoes off, start racing. you can taste it, without facting,
I mean fasting, start blasting. call up warren hill do-op that thing
Swagger jacking, is not what I do. jb is the man, yeah he’s a true.
He’s a beast when he steps up in the booth. I just landed, I did too.
Ima gentleman, yes ima gentleman, ima on my element, but i’m still elegant.
I’m full of adrenaline, you know what that means Louie V hightops with the skinny jeans.
Ladies love me
I’m on my Cool J
Yellow model chick
Yellow bottle sippin’
Ladies love me
I’m on my Cool J
Yellow Lamborghini
Yellow top missin’

Lirik Lagu Justin Bieber - Speaking In Tounges

Speaking in tongues
yabba dabba dabba da da
daVoala..I'm killin this … caca
Call up Lady Gaga..on my..on my
Hella girl metronome
My new chick..she a yellowbone
I buy her yellow stones..cause I
like it when she got that yellow
So I'm a raptor..tearin it up like a
Matter fact..I’m killin this’re a slacker
Sack like a sacker..hello Mr. Brady
Tell em leave his hair to the guy
who sings “Baby”
Baby..come and try to save me
Lately..Ive been hearing these
things that sound crazy
Like..Speaking in tongues
All right..alrite stop..drop and
roll..Justin Bieber is on fire
Its time to realize its time to call
me Young Sire
You’re the seller..I'm the buyer
You’re the teller..and I'm hired
I'm higher than the highest point
Yes..I am flyer
And I'm wired to the game..stay
dry when it rains
I'm tired of the fame..are you
proud of the pain
Yes..were the same..yes..I'm
And my mane hangs down..I'm a strings
I murdered that..mayne..
Shawty Mane..Shawty Mane..what
you doin..Shawty Mane?
I'm Justin Bieber
You guys might know me as the
guy you know who sings “Baby”
You know..uh..I'm a singer..pop
I'm white know..thats why I do
Just to prove know
I got skills..on..on..on the rap
What up JulKeyz? Yo..I killed that
All right..peace.

Lirik Lagu Justin Bieber - Next To You

[Chris Brown]
You’ve got that smile
That only heaven can make
I pray to God everyday
That you keep that smile

[Justin Bieber]
Yeah, you are my dream
There’s not a thing I won’t do
I’ll give my life up for you
Cos you are my dream

And baby, everything that I have is yours
You will never go cold or hungry
I’ll be there when you’re insecure
Let you know that you’re always lovely
Girl, cos you are the only thing that I got right now

One day when the sky is falling
I’ll be standing right next to you
Right next to you
Nothing will ever come between us
I’ll be standing right next to you
Right next to you

[Chris Brown]
You had my child
You make my life complete
Just to have your eyes on little me
That’d be mine forever

And baby, everything that I have is yours
You will never go cold or hungry
I’ll be there when you’re insecure
Let you know that you’re always lovely

Girl, cos you are the only thing that I got right now

One day when the sky is falling
I’ll be standing right next to you
Right next to you
Nothing will ever come between us
I’ll be standing right next to you
Right next to you

We’re made for one another
Me and you
And I have no fear
I know we’ll make it through

One day when the sky is falling
I’ll be standing right next to you
Ohh ohh ohh ohhhhh

One day when the sky is falling
I’ll be standing right next to you
Right next to you
Nothing will ever come between us
I’ll be standing right next to you
Right next to you

Oh nah nah
Oh yeah
Stand by my side
When the sky falls
Oh baby
I’ll be there

You’ve got that smile
That only heaven can make
I pray to God everyday
To keep you forever

Lirik Lagu Justin Bieber - Rich Girl

She’s a rich girl
Buying all the clothes
Wishes for some –
You already know
Shes a rich girl
Yeah, she’s got cash
Pocket so thick
She dont even have to ask
Shes a rich girl
Rich girl
Shes a rich girl
Rich girl
Aye oh Aye oh
When I met you girl
I tried to pay for dinner
Pulled out your card
I thought I had a winner
She said
Boy I got it
Then I said no
But I like a girl who’s in control
She’s my rich girl
Rich girl

Soulja boy:
She rides a barbie phantom
She lives in a barbie mansion
She’s a rich girl
She got a lot of money
She credit card shawty
She credit card shopping
Look good when she shoppin
Man she look good when she talking and she walkin
She walk like a model
She shop like a balla
She shop like a NFL, NBA, high school scholar
She’s a rich girl
Buying all the clothes
Wishes for some –
You already know
Shes a rich girl
Yeah, she’s got cash
Pocket so thick
She dont even have to ask
Shes a rich girl
Rich girl
Shes a rich girl
Rich girl
Aye oh Aye oh Aye oh
Soulja Boy:
21st birthday she got a louis mercedes
Drive top
Oh my
Baby, I think I love you
Girl, I know you rich
and you know I rich so
Together we build things
Ill lend you it is empty
You can get it cuz I got plenty
Everyday, all night
you and me
And we ballin’ yeah
She’s a rich girl
Buying all the clothes
Wishes for some –
You already know
Shes a rich girl
Yeah, she’s got cash
Pocket so thick
She dont even have to ask
Shes a rich girl
Rich girl
Shes a rich girl
Rich girl
Aye oh Aye oh Aye oh
Soulja Boy:
Can’t make you my queen
When I first met her
I didn’t even have anything
She had more money than me
She wasn’t a rich girl
grew up in a messed up world
And when i met her
She didn’t think lesss of me
She get the bigger picture
She know we both –
We can’t take it with us
We belong together
Yeah she’s so special
Shes my rich girl
but if she was broke
I would still..
and my net froze
I told her I was hot
She told me that she cold
We are a tornado so we spin across the globe
I make money every day
& everybody surely knows
Im a rich boy
a young pretty guy
Shes pretty fly
Shes pretty high
We’re high together
Make change whether x2
Hopes and I love her
She’s a rich girl
Buying all the clothes
Wishes for some –
You already know
Shes a rich girl
Yeah, she’s got cash
Pocket so thick
She dont even have to ask
Shes a rich girl
Rich girl
Shes a rich girl
Rich girl
Soulja Boy I tell him
Aye yo aye yo aye yo
Rich Girl

Lirik Lagu Justin Bieber - Ride

Ride, I-I Wanna Ride
Ride I Wanna Ride
Ride, I-I Wanna Ride

When I Wake Up, I First Think Of You
I Really Like You, And I Hope You Like Me Too
The Sky Is The Limit For Me And You
I Could Be Your Queen, But You Could Be My Boo
We Could Go Anywhere, To The Moon And Through The Air
We Could Go To The Movies Or The Mall, Baby I Don't Care
Yeah This Is True, Wanna Be With You
And I Just Wanna Ride With You
I Wanna Ride
Yeah I-I Wanna Ride
(By The Ocean Side)
I Wanna Ride
I-I Wanna Ride With You
I-I Wanna Ride
I Wanna Ride
I Just Wanna Ride With You

Whenever Im With You, You Make Me Feel Special
And All My Problems, They Go Right Through The Door
I Love It When You Call Me Baby
It's You I Adore

We Could Go To The Moon, And Through The Air
We Could Go To The Movies Or The Mall, Baby I Don't Care
Yeah This Is True, Wanna Be With You
And I Just Wanna Ride With You
I Wanna Ride
Yeah I-I Wanna Ride
(By The Ocean Side)
I Wanna Ride
I-I Wanna Ride With You
I-I Wanna Ride
I Wanna Ride
I Just Wanna Ride With You

So Lets Go Right Now
Go Slow Right Now
Let The Base Flow Out With That Boom Boom Pow
So Lets Go Right Now
Go Slow Right Now
Let The Base Flow Out With That Boom Boom Pow

I Wanna Ride
Yeah I-I Wanna Ride
I Wanna Ride
I-I Wanna Ride With You
I-I Wanna Ride
I Wanna Ride
I Just Wanna Ride With You
I Wanna Ride
Yeah I-I Wanna Ride
I Wanna Ride
I-I Wanna Ride With You
I-I Wanna Ride
I Wanna Ride
I Just Wanna Ride With You
I Wanna Ride
I Wanna Ride
I-I Ohhhh Whoaaa
I Wanna Ride
I Wanna Ride
I Just Wanna Ride With You

Lirik Lagu Justin Bieber - Shawty Let's Go

cuz you already know know know know know know know
i'm taking things slow oh oh oh oh
i'm felling your vibe
and i can't even lie shawty lets go go go

i'm taking things slow oh oh oh oh
i'm killin your vibe
and i can't even lie shawty lets go go go

shawty lets go go go
shawty lets go no
shawty lets go go go

so the part is
shawty lets go go go
shawty lets roll roll roll
shawty lets go go go
shawty lets roll roll roll
shawty lets go go go
and i can't even lie shawty lets go go go
shawty lets roll roll roll
shawty lets go go go
shawty lets roll roll roll

how many more shawty
shawty lets go go go
shawty lets roll roll roll
shawty im out
shawty lets go go go
shawty lets roll roll roll
shawty lets go go go

Lirik Lagu Justin Bieber - Won't Stop

[Sean Kingston]
I see them coming, yeah.
They try to bring me down, but I won't stop.
They want me in the ground, but I won't stop.
'Til I'm dead, man, I won't stop. No.
I, I see them coming, coming.
They try to bring me down, but I won't stop.
They want me in the ground, but I won't stop.
'Til I'm dead, man, I won't stop. No.

Yeah, i think they mad 'cause I'm driving in the fast lane
but i've been grindin' for years, ask hype game
It's funny how stuff doesn't change
From sleepin' in the car to coppin' me that Range
I'm all world star
All them other blogs
All them haters hatin' cause I am a heart throb
But do i want it all?
All the negativity is not gonna get rid of me
I'm here to make history
I'm speakin' it real
Back track to the days when I ain't have me a deal, yeah
So I'ma show the world that I'm ill
Every beat that i get on best believe I'ma kill
So you can have all the jewelry
Have all the cars
Have all the fame
Have all the broads
you can have the fact that I'm a star
Just so you can listen to these bars

[Justin Bieber]
I see them coming. Yeah.
They try to bring me down, but I won't stop.
They want me in the ground, but I won't stop.
'Til I'm dead, man, I won't stop. No.
I, I see them coming, coming.
They try to bring me down, but I won't stop.
They want me in the ground, but I won't stop.
'Til I'm dead, man, I won't stop. No.

Yeah, they talk. Yeah, they talk.
They don't walk the walk I walk.
I won't stop, 'til I drop.
Until then, I reach the top.
I'ma rock to where I need to be.

Walk the path of destiny.
Definitely been neglected, but God is always testin' me.
Rest in peace to all the men that died that were protecting me. Objectively, I need to tell you what just gets the best of me.
Essentially, people in this world just wanna let it be.
A lot of men ain't different though, just let it be.
Set it free.
Never be scared to make change, effectively.
Always look at things from different ways, perspectively.
Every person in this world can do good.
I just want this message understood.
Alright.. stop.
Everybody's gotta listen make the decision to envision a better place with no division.
Everybody needs a mission. Haters need to stop it, just listen.

[Sean Kingston]
I see them coming, yeah.
They try to bring me down, but I won't stop.
They want me in the ground, but I won't stop.
'Til I'm dead, man, I won't stop. No.
[Justin Bieber]
I, I see them coming, coming.
They try to bring me down, but I won't stop.
They want me in the ground, but I won't stop.
'Til I'm dead, man, I won't stop. No.

Lirik Lagu Justin Bieber - Born To Be Somebody

There’s a dream in my soul
A fire that’s deep inside me
There’s a me no one knows
Waiting to be set free
I gonna see that day
I can feel it
I can taste it
Change is coming my way

I was born to be somebody
Ain’t nothing that’s ever gonna stop me
I light up the sky like lighting
I gonna rise above
Show em what I’m made of
I was born to be somebody
I was born to be
And this world will belong to me

This life can kick you around (woah)
This world can make you feel small (woah)
They will not keep me down (woah)
I was born to stand tall
I’m going all the way
I can feel it
I believe it
I’m here
I’m here to stay
I was born to be somebody
Ain’t nothin’ that’s ever gonna stop me
I light up the sky like lightening
I gonna rise above
Show em what I’m made of
I was born to be somebody
I was born to be
And this world will belong to me

Feel it…
Believe it…
Dream it…
Be it…
I was born to be somebody
Ain’t nothing that’s ever gonna stop me
I’ll light up the sky like lighting
I’m gonna rise above
Show em what I’m made of
I was born to be somebody
I was born to be
And this world will belong to me
Whoa oh
Whoa oh
And this world will belong to me
Ye-ah ye-ah
And this world will belong to me

Lirik Lagu Justin Bieber - Pray

Ohh Ohh
I just cant sleep tonight.
Knowing that things aint right.
Its in the papers, its on the TV, its everywhere that I go.
Children and crying.
Soldiers are dying
Some people don’t have a home

But I know there’s sunshine behind that rain
I know there’s good times behind that pain
Hey.. can you tell me how I can make a change?

I close my eyes and I can see a brighter day
I close my eyes and pray
I close my eyes and I can see a better day
I close my eyes and pray

I lose my appetite, knowing kids starve tonight.
When I sit up, cause my dinner is still on my plate.
Ooo I got a vision, to make a difference.
And its starting today.

Cause I know there’s sunshine behind that rain
I know there’s good times behind that pain
Can you tell me how I can make a change?

I close my eyes and I can see a brighter day
I close my eyes and pray
I close my eyes and I can see a better day

I close my eyes and pray for the broken-hearted.
I pray for the life not started
I pray for all the ones not breathing.
I pray for all the souls in need.
I pray. Can you give em one today?

I just cant sleep tonight.
Can someone tell me how to make a change?

I close my eyes and I can see a brighter day
I close my eyes and pray
I close my eyes and I can see a better day
I close my eyes and I pray

Lirik Lagu Justin Bieber - Never Say Never

See I never thought that I could walk through fire.
I never thought that I could take the burn.
I never had the strength to take it higher,
Until I reached the point of no return.
And there’s just no turning back,
When your hearts under attack,
Gonna give everything I have,
It’s my destiny.
I will never say never! (I will fight)
I will fight till forever! (make it right)
Whenever you knock me down,
I will not stay on the ground.
Pick it up,
Pick it up,
Pick it up,
Pick it up up up,
And never say never.
I never thought I could feel this power.
I never thought that I could feel this free.
I’m strong enough to climb the highest tower.
And I’m fast enough to run across the sea.
And there’s just no turning back,
When your hearts under attack,
Gonna give everything I have,
Cause this is my destiny.
I will never say never! (I will fight)
I will fight till forever! (make it right)
Whenever you knock me down,
I will not stay on the ground.
Pick it up,
Pick it up,
Pick it up,
Pick it up, up, up,
And never say never.
Here we go!
Guess who?
JSmith and Jb!
I gotcha lil bro.
I can handle him.
Hold up, aight?
I can handle him.
Now he’s bigger than me,
Taller than me.
And he’s older than me,
And stronger than me.
And his arms a little bit longer than me.
But he ain’t on a JB song with me!
I be trying a chill
They be trying to side with the thrill.
No pun intended, was raised by the power of Will.
Like Luke with the force, when push comes to shove.
Like Cobe with the 4th, ice water with blood.
I gotta be the best, and yes
We’re the flyest.
Like David and Goliath,
I conquered the giant.
So now I got the world in my hand,
I was born from two stars
So the moon’s where I land.
I will never say never! (I will fight)
I will fight till forever! (make it right)
Whenever you knock me down,
I will not stay on the ground.
Pick it up,
Pick it up,
Pick it up,
Pick it up, up, up,
And never say never.
I will never say never! (I will fight)
I will fight till forever! (make it right)
Whenever you knock me down,
I will not stay on the ground.
Pick it up,
Pick it up,
Pick it up,
Pick it up, up, up,
And never say never.

Lirik Lagu Justin Bieber - Up

It’s a big big world
It’s easy to get lost in it
You’ve always been my girl (ah)
And I’m not ready to call it quits
We can make the sun shine in the moonlight
We can make the great clouds fill the blue skies
I know it’s hard baby believe me
That we can go nowhere but up
From here my dear
Baby we can go nowhere but up
Tell me what we got to fear
We’ll take you to the sky past the moon
Through the galaxy
As long as you’re with me baby
With the strength of our love
We can go nowhere but up
It’s a big big world
And I’m gonna show you all of it
I’m gonna lace you with pearls (oh)
From every ocean that we’re swimming in
We can make the sun shine in the moonlight
We can make the great clouds fill the blue skies
Yeah I know it’s hard baby believe me (oh)
That we can go nowhere but up
From here my dear
Baby we can go nowhere but up (oh)
Tell me what we got to fear
We’ll take you to the sky past the moon
To the galaxy
As long as you’re with me baby
With the strength of our love
We can go nowhere but up
(Nowhere but oh up, whoa whoa)
(Nowhere but oh up, whoa whoa)
Baby we were underground
But we’re on the surface now
We gonna make it girl I promise
If you believe in love
And you believe in us
We can go nowhere but up
That we can go nowhere but up (yeah yeah)
From here my dear (yeah whoa)
Baby we can go nowhere but up
Tell me what we got to fear
We’ll take you to the sky past the moon
To the galaxy
As long as you’re with me baby
Honestly (honestly)
With the strength of our love
We can go nowhere but up
(We can go oh oh, whoa whoa)
Nowhere but up
(We can go oh oh, whoa whoa)
(Nowhere but oh up, whoa whoa)
(Nowhere but oh up, whoa whoa)
Yeah Yeah

Lirik Lagu Justin Bieber - U Smile

I’d wait on you forever and a day
Hand and foot
Your world is my world
Ain’t no way you’re ever gon’ get
Any less than you should
Cause baby
You smile I smile (oh)
Cause whenever
You smile I smile
Hey hey hey
Your lips, my biggest weakness
Shouldn’t have let you know
I’m always gonna do what they say (hey)
If you need me
I’ll come right there
From a thousand miles away
When you smile I smile (oh whoa)
You smile I smile
Baby take my open heart and all it offers
Cause this is as unconditional as it’ll ever get
You ain’t seen nothing yet
I won’t ever hesitate to give you more
Cause baby (hey)
You smile I smile (whoa)
You smile I smile
Hey hey hey
You smile I smile
I smile I smile I smile
You smile I smile
Make me smile baby
Baby you won’t ever work for nothing
You are my ins and my means now
With you there’s no in between
I’m all in
Cause my cards are on the table
And I’m willing and I’m able
But I fold to your wish
Cause it’s my command
Hey hey hey
You smile I smile (whoa)
You smile I smile
Hey hey hey
You smile I smile
I smile I smile I smile
You smile I smile
You smile I smile
You smile I smile

Lirik Lagu Justin Bieber - That Should Be Me

Everybody’s laughing in my mind
Rumors spreading about this other guy
Do you do what you did what you did with me
Does he love you the way I can
Did you forget all the plans that you made with me
Cause baby I didn’t
That should be me holding your hand
That should be me making you laugh
That should be me this is so sad
That should be me
That should be me
That should be me feeling your kiss
That should be me buying you gifts
This is so wrong
I can’t go on
‘Till you believe
That that should be me
That should be me
You said you needed a little time from my mistakes
It’s funny how you used that time to have me replaced
Did you think that I wouldn’t see you out at the movies
What you doin’ to me
You’re taking him where we used to go
Now if you’re trying to break my heart
It’s working cause you know
That that should be me holding your hand
That should be me making you laugh
That should be me this is so sad
That should be me
That should be me
That should be me feeling your kiss
That should be me buying you gifts
This is so wrong I can’t go on
‘Till you believe
That should be me
I need to know should I fight for love
Or disarm
It’s getting harder to shield
This pain is my heart
Ooh Ooh
That should be me holding your hand
That should be me making you laugh
That should be me this is so sad
That should be me
That should be me
That should be me feeling your kiss
That should be me buying you gifts
This is so wrong
I can’t go on
‘Till you believe
That that should be me
Holding your hand
That should be me
The one making you laugh (oh baby oh)
That should be me
That should be me
Giving you flowers
That should be me
Talking for hours
That should be me (that should be me)
That should be me
That should be me
Never should’ve let you go
I never should’ve let you go
That should be me
I never shoulda let you go
That should be me

Lirik Lagu Justin Bieber - Stuck In The Moment

With you,
With you,
I wish we had another time,
I wish we had another place...

Now Romeo & Juliet,
bet they never felt the way we felt,
Bonnie & Clyde,
Never had to hide like
We do,
We do...

You and i both know it can't work,
It's all fun and games,
'til someone gets hurt,
And i don't,
I won't let that be you...

Now you don't wanna let go,
And i don't wanna let you know,
There might be something real
between us two, who knew?
And we don't wanna fall but,
We're tripping in our hearts
and it's reckless and clumsy,
And i know you can't love me, hey...

I wish we had another time,
I wish we had another place,
But everything we have
is stuck in the moment,
And there's nothing my heart can do
(Can Do),
To fight with time and space 'cause,
I'm still stuck in the moment with you...

See like Adam & Eve,
Tragedy was a destiny,
Like Sunny & Cher,
I don't care,
I got you baby...

See we both,
Fightin' every inch of our fiber,
'cause in a way,
It's gonna end right but,
We are both too foolish to stop...

Now you don't wanna let go,
And i don't wanna let you know,
There might be something real
between us two, who knew?
And we don't wanna fall but,
We're tripping in our hearts
and it's reckless and clumsy,
And i know you can't love me, hey...

I wish we had another time,
I wish we had another place,
But everything we have
is stuck in the moment,
And there's nothing my heart can do
(Can Do),
To fight with time and space 'cause,
I'm still stuck in the moment with you...

See like,
Just because this cold cold world
saying we can't be,
Baby, we both have the right to decide we,
And i ain't with it,
And i don't wanna be so old and gray,
And it isn't 'bout these better days,
But convince just telling us to let go,
So we'll never know...

I wish we had another time,
I wish we had another place,
'cause everything we did,
And everything we have
is stuck in the moment,
oh no no!

I wish we had another time,
I wish we had another place,
But everything we have
is stuck in the moment,
And there's nothing my heart can do,
(Nothing my heart can do),
To fight with time and space 'cause,
I'm still stuck in the moment with you,
Yeah, whoa whoa...

Lirik Lagu Justin Bieber - Overboard

It feels like we’ve been out at sea, whoa
So back and forth that’s how it seems, whoa
And when I wanna talk you say to me
That if it’s meant to be it will be
Whoa oh no
So crazy is this thing we call love
And now that we’ve got it we just can’t give up
I’m reaching out for you
Got me out here in the water
And I
I’m overboard
And I need your love
Pull me up
I can’t swim on my own
It’s too much
Feels like I’m drowning without your love
So throw yourself out to me
My lifesaver
(Lifesaver, oh lifesaver)
My lifesaver
(Lifesaver, oh lifesaver)
I never understood you when you’d say, whoa
Wanted me to meet you halfway, whoa
Felt like I was doing my part
You kept thinking you were coming up short
It’s funny how things change cause now I see
Oh whoa
So crazy is this thing we call love
And now that we’ve got it we just can’t give up
I’m reaching out for you
Got me out here in the water
And I
I’m overboard (overboard)
And I need your love
Pull me up
I can’t swim on my own
It’s too much (it’s too much)
Feels like I’m drowning (ohh)
Without your love
So throw yourself out to me
My lifesaver
It’s supposed to be some give and take I know
But you’re only taking and not giving anymore
So what do I do
Cause I still love you
(I still love you baby)
And you’re the only one who can save me
Whoa, whoa, whoa, oh
I’m overboard
And I need your love
Pull me up (pull me up)
I can’t swim on my own
It’s too much (it’s too much)
Feels like I’m drowning without your love
(I’m drowning baby, I’m drowning)
So throw yourself out to me
(I can’t swim)
My lifesaver
(Lifesaver, oh lifesaver)
My lifesaver
It’s crazy crazy crazy
(Lifesaver, oh lifesaver)
Lifesaver oh
(Lifesaver, oh lifesaver)
My lifesaver
(Lifesaver, oh lifesaver)

Lirik Lagu Justin Bieber - Runaway Love

You see my baby up and hit the road
Where she’s going that’s what nobody knows
I need to find her before another man does
I wouldn’t want him to steal my love
I’m just trying to be cool, cool, cool(trying to be cool)
Whatcha expect me to do(ohh yeah)
I’m just trying to find, find, find; sweet love of mine
I’m running out of time, where is my runaway love?
Searching low and high, know that I’m not giving up
I’d give it all up for us(never be enough)(I won’t stop until I find) my runaway love
See my baby really needs some help
Cause she can never stay at home by herself
She says she needs a little company
Even if she’s not always with me yeahh, ohh
You see my baby up and hit the road
Where she’s going that’s what nobody knows
I need to find her before another man does
I wouldn’t want him to steal my love
I’m just trying to be cool, cool, cool(trying to be cool)
Whatcha expect me to do(ohh yeah)
I’m just trying to find, find, find; sweet love of mine
I’m running out of time, where is my runaway love?
Searching low and high, know that I’m not giving up
I’d give it all up for us(never be enough)(I won’t stop until I find) my runaway love
Why can’t I find (why can’t I find) the love of mine
When you’re standing right in front of my face
Oh, I must be blind, how did I let you get away? (yeah, yeah)
I’m running out of time, where is my runaway love?
Searching low and high, know that I’m not giving up
I’d give it all up for us(never be enough)
(I won’t stop until I find) my runaway love
I’m running out of time, where is my runaway love?
Searching low and high, know that I’m not giving up
I’d give it all up for us(never be enough)
(I won’t stop until I find) my runaway love

Lirik Lagu Justin Bieber - Never Let You Go

Ohh, No, Ohh No, Ohhh
They say that hate has been sent
So let loose the talk of love
Before they outlaw the kiss
Baby, give me one last hug
There’s a dream
That I’ve been chasing
Want so badly for it to be reality
(Reality, reality)
And when you hold my hand
Then I understand
That it’s meant to be
It’s like an angel came by, and Took me to heaven
Cuz when i stare in your eyes,
It couldn’t be better.
Let the music blast
We gon’ do our dance
Bring the doubters on
They don’t matter at all
Cuz this life’s too long
And this love’s too strong
So baby know for sho’
I’ll never let you go
I got my favorite girl
Not feelin’ no pain, no fear
Oh no, don’t have a care in the World
Why would I, when you are here
There’s a moment I’ve been chasin
And I finally caught it out on This floor
Baby, theres no hesitation,
No reservation by taking a chance And more, noo, because
It’s like an angel came by, and Took me to heaven
Cuz when I stare in your eyes
It couldn’t be better
Let the music blast
We gon’ do our dance
Bring the doubters on
They don’t matter at all
Cuz this life’s too long
And this love’s too strong
So baby know for sho’
I’ll never let you go
It’s like an angel came by and Took me to heaven
Cuz when I stare in your eyes
It couldn’t be better
So take my hand, let’s just dance
Watch my feet, follow me
Don’t be scared, girl I’m here
If you didn’t know,
This is loooovee, ohhhh
Let the music blast
We gon’ do our dance
Bring the doubters on
They don’t matter at all
Cuz this life’s too long
And this love’s to strong
So baby know for sho’
I’ll never let you goooooo
I’ll never let you go
Ohh, No, Ohh No, Ohhh
I’ll never let you go
ohhhhh, ohhhhh
I’ll never let you go

Lirik Lagu Justin Bieber - Kiss And Tell

Yeah, whoa,
No, noo,
Now I can see it girl,
You ain’t gotta say nothing
Your lips are callin me,
Like they wanna do something,
I feel the chemistry,
With everything we make,
A little kiss is a definite possibility,
Seen you a couple times,
Had a couple conversations,
Since you’ve been on my mind,
Made a couple observations,
Like you’re a fly chick,
You could be my chick,
Play by the rules and
You could get what I get,
Just keep it quiet,
Keep it on the hush
(Yeah, yeah)
And what we do keep it just between us,
(Yeah, yeah)
I don’t want to see tweet about JB,
Cause the only people that you know,
Is you and me so,
Baby, I know that you’re cool
With rockin with me,
But I can’t have you tellin everybody
You got me all twisted with your lips
Like this,
So tell me, tell me,
Are you gonna kiss, kiss and tell,
Tell me are you gonna kiss, kiss and tell
Tell me are you gonna kiss me
Then tell everybody,
That you got me twisted
With your lips girl,
Are you gonna kiss and tell,
Its called a date short,
No one has to do with it,
Just you and me girl,
Tell em’ we’re doin it,
Don’t need that TMZ,
All in our privacy,
Use em’ lips for kissin girl,
If you wanna ride with me,
And if you wanna tell somebody,
Then we can call the whole thing off,
(No Problem)
You can go your way,
And I’ll go mine,
But I rather spend a little time with you,
Just keep it quiet,
(Yeah, yeah)
Keep it on the hush,
And what we do,
Keep it just between us,
(Yeah, yeah)
I don’t wanna see tweet about JB,
Cause the only people that you know,
Is you and me so,
Baby, I know that you’re cool
With rockin with me,
But I can’t have you tellin everybody
You got me all twisted with your lips like this,
So tell me, tell me,
Are you gonna kiss, kiss and tell,
Tell me are you gonna kiss, kiss and tell
Tell me are you gonna kiss me
Then tell everybody,
That you got me twisted with your lips,
Girl are you gonna kiss and tell,
Tell, said are you gonna kiss and tell,
Tell, said are you gonna kiss and tell,
Tell, said are you gonna kiss and tell,
Don’t tell your homies,
Don’t tell you mama,
Don’t tell your girlfriend,
That’ll start some drama,
Stay off that facebook,
I’ll treat you real good,
You keep this private,
And you can get what I get,
Baby, I know that you’re cool
With rockin with me,
But I can’t have you tellin everybody,
You got me all twisted with your lips like this,
So tell me, tell me,
Are you gonna kiss, kiss and tell,
Tell me are you gonna kiss, kiss and tell
Tell me are you gonna kiss me,
Then tell everybody,
That you got me twisted
With your lips girl,
Are you gonna kiss and tell,
Kiss and tell,
Whoa, whoa
I’m not about that,
If you’re gonna kiss and tell
Noo, no, no
If you’re gonna kiss and tell,
If you’re gonna kiss and tell,
That’s not me